For this project, I was commissioned to do a pet portrait for their husband's birthday. The husband has been obsessed with the video game Cyberpunk 2077, so the idea was to create a cyberpunk portrait of their cat Guen. The final graphic was digitally painted at 18in x 24in 300dpi. 
I had a lot of really great options for reference photos.
For the initial draft proposal, I sketched three different scenarios that Guen could inhabit. In the first option, Guen is actually a human hacker that has implanted their cyberbrain into a cat, so they become more inconspicuous. In the second option, Guen is a regular housecat, relaxing on a special holopad that amplifies her comfort while resting. In the third option, Guen is the AI-driven hologram of the city's favorite cat food, and will engage passersby with meows and cute rolls.
This draft has Guen roughed into the foreground, and a lot of the background planned out. The idea was to paint the background buildings and then use stock photography to lay texturing overtop.
Sending it to a metal printmaker, the finished product has a glossy metal sheen to it. The husband was very happy with the final print!

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